Saturday 12 May 2012

If It Rains...

If the weather takes a bad turn again get a cup of tea or a beer and watch this hour long film on very early aviation.
Remember the stuntmen here had no Health & Safety...


mike etheridge said...

Well I watched it Pete whilst it rained outside. I noticed that the Gyrocopter was shown.I spotted in an old 1962 Aeromodeler magazine that the French designer was killed in a crash at Croydon airport. I could scan the feature if required,it does cover the history of the Gyrocopter.
and might be useful whilst it is raining for the next few months.

Broken Wing said...

Hi Mike. After the episode with my C30 autogyro which went as well as flying S#~£~ off a shovel I think I wont read it - even if it rains at the weekend...