Sunday 12 June 2011


Even a mobile cafe will earn here...


slipperywhenwet said...

Tovil, Maidstone Im guessing.

mike etheridge said...

Obviously a bridge too far Pete!

A Mercury Matador spotted and is it true that all KK Falcon flyers are as daft as the one in this video?

Many of the planes looked badly trimmed / tail heavy but I suppose most were old expendable types but what about the radio gear none of it likes water?

There must have been a club prize for those successful with the stunt but as a sea trout / trout fisherman I would question whether glo-fuel would pollute the water and kill the resident fish?


Broken Wing said...

No help Mike - I still need to know where it is so I can set up a shop & cafe.
Make a mint...

slipperywhenwet said...

Tovil, Maidstone a bloke down the pub told me.