Monday, 1 August 2016

Flew Till Rain Stopped Play


Broken Wing said...

Circus is now there and they were putting up the big top...
I was last to leave on Sunday and Monday and ensured our inner field gate was closed to prevent circus visitors driving over our field.
Please ensure you close the gate if you are out last....

mike etheridge said...

What looked to be a good day's flying was again this year curtailed by the weather. However between both of us we managed to blow up a glow plug which counted as a first from an experience point of view. Pete's new toffee bomber flew very well and will not let the kids down next year as it should cope with windy conditions. My 35 Mhz radio gear behaved itself with no glitches so for me it was a worthwhile trip. Pete's petrol engine in his Acro Wat let him down again leading to at least one dead stick landing.

Anyone guess how we blew up the glow plug?

SimonizeP said...

Nice job on the planes Pete.