Tuesday 2 June 2020

Field Update

Hi All,
I hope this mail finds you all well.
This is the email you have been waiting for.
I have been asked to forward the following email to all of you for your information.
Happy flying, stay safe.
Jan Bruce Secretary BPMFC
Hi all Members

The field will be open from Saturday 30th May at 10 am. You must adhere to the following social distancing measures:

You must remain three metres apart from all other pilots.

Every pilot requires hand sanitizer and/or hand wipes. These must be used to clean your hands after using any of the gate padlocks and before re-entering your vehicle.
At the flight line there are to be only 2 pilots, not 2 from the same family plus 1, just 2.  Pilots are to be 3 metres apart whilst at the flight line.
If you are the first person to arrive at the pits area, you must keep to the left of the pit line as much as is possible to ensure there is maximum space for other pilots. Place your aircraft and kit to the right of you.

You must allow three metres of space from the pilot’s kit to the left of you before you may set up your kit.

Whilst in the pits, you must be able to deal with your own set ups without assistance as other pilots will be unable to offer their help.

Borrowing of any kit or equipment of any kind (e.g. glow plugs, batteries, chargers, fuel, etc.) is not permitted.

Buddying is not permitted.

In the unlikely event that an aircraft or part hits the ground, only the pilot who is operating the model can retrieve it.

The only circumstance in which you may break the social distancing measures is to administer first aid.

Be aware of social distancing with the public should they approach you.

Avoid gathering in all areas.

It is recommended that when choosing which aircraft to take to the field, you select one that requires the minimum amount of set up.

You must be able to set up and operate your aircraft by yourself safely.

If the above rules are strictly adhered to, we will be able to keep flying until normal service has resumed.

N.B. This opportunity is subject to change if government or BMFA make changes to current social distancing guidelines.

Any pilot unable to adhere to the above procedure will be at risk of losing their club membership.

Be aware that this opportunity may be stopped if the government or BMFA advise differently or if these guidelines are not adhered to.

Due to these social distancing measures, club areas may reach a capacity whereby no new pilots can set up. If you arrive and there is no available space, you are required to leave the site.

If space availability becomes a prevalent issue, pilots must be aware of the amount of time they have been occupying a spot or a time restriction may be introduced to allow more pilots to fly.

Always consider the safety of your fellow club members as well as yourself.

If you experience any problems, please contact a committee member.

Bartons Point Model Flying Club Committee
Kind Regards
Jan Bruce (Secretary)