Tuesday 15 September 2020

For all club members - Please take note 

Hi All,
I hope this finds you all well in these difficult times.
I have been asked by the Chairman to inform you of the following new Covid updates at the field.
“All of the previous rules still apply as per social distancing. You must carry your own Sanitizer.
To be able to accommodate the new 6 persons in a group it would be best to have one group of 6
to the far right of the pits (where heli’s hover and engine running is done).  The second group to 
the far left of the pits (by car park)
Both ends are to ensure the 3 metre gap between each person in the pits.
We are not experiencing these numbers at the field so do not expect any problems”.
To comply with track and trace procedure you must email the Secretary on the day you are at the field
so she has a daily record of attendance. From today 15th September.
I have received notification from Phil Fearn that due to current new Covid rules the Swap meet on the 27th
September has had to be cancelled. 
Kind Regards
Jan Bruce (Secretary)

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