Saturday, 29 December 2018

RichWing now fly great well done :)

Perfect friday afternoon no wind again thx for sharing super fun :)

Saturday, 22 December 2018

Friday, 30 November 2018

Monday, 22 October 2018

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Should I have know Better...

My latest AcrowotXL went in a few weeks back and for them who were there you will know I had a total loss of control and was able to shout out as it did its death dive into the ground...
Its been nagging me so much from the day it happened and by chance I managed to find the reason. Take a look at the video.

Saturday, 29 September 2018

Friday, 28 September 2018

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Saturday, 8 September 2018

Friday afternoon maiden

       efxtra motor on flyingwing maiden .......
3s as no 4s battery available coming soon vroom
zaggi is now a 3in1 model, slope soarer or strapon 1 of 2 brackets depending on the mood :)

Sunday, 26 August 2018

Last sunday's cancelled scale day = maiden of cliffwhacker :)

Scale day

Wondering  if i will win anything for having the only scale plane at the field even though it was cancelled?? ;)

Saturday, 18 August 2018

Scale Weekend

Due to the weather forecast showing no change, when last checked today, mid 20's mph The Scale date has been moved to...

Sunday 26th August This will be the last date set, after which it will then be Aug. 2019

Fingers crossed.

Friday, 10 August 2018

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Great day at the field with low wind sunshine and the field has had a good haircut.

Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Scale Day.

Hi all,
Due to the fair / circus being at Bartons this weekend and the grass may still not of been cut, although Ray and Pete have been out with the roller it would best suit us to aim for Saturday 11th to hold the event.

If the Saturday is no good then we will aim for Sunday. More updates nearer the time.

Start time 11am.
The Club will be organising a BBQ so please let me know if you intend to eat so we can get that organised the earlier the better.

If Saturday is not suitable re weather, then hopefully Sunday is ok if not we shall move to the following weekend. 

The categories this year cover all scale aircraft pre WW1 up to modern day.
You can enter up to 2 aircraft to fly and as many as you like in the static display.

Best regards
Dave Cook.

Club Meeting date confirmation.

Monday 6th August at 8pm.
As there was an error in the listed dates.

Sunday, 29 July 2018


Latest news from the executive suite in LMA Towers.

Over 400ft Permission

As you’re aware, the recent 2018 revision to the Air Navigation Order introduced among other things a blanket 400ft height limit for all unmanned aircraft, including models.

As of the 30 July, a CAA permission was issued to allow LMA, BMFA, SAA & FPVUK members to continue to fly models under 7Kg over 400ft.

Here is the joint statement we released to announce the granting of the permission last week-

The recent 2018 amendments to the Air Navigation Order will come into effect on the 30th July, making it illegal to operate any unmanned aircraft (including model aircraft) above 400ft.

The UK model flying associations (BMFA, SAA, LMA & FPVUK) have been working in close collaboration in ongoing negotiations with the Department for Transport (DfT) and Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and we are pleased to report that earlier today the CAA issued us with a joint ‘Permission’ to allow our members to continue operating ‘conventional’ model aircraft (excluding multi-rotors) weighing less than 7Kg at heights in excess of 400ft. The full text of this Permission can be viewed HERE.

The CAA has also issued an ‘Exemption’ to allow our members to operate ‘conventional’ model aircraft (excluding multi-rotors) weighing less than 3.5Kg at heights up to 1000ft using First Person View. The full text of this Exemption can be viewed HERE.

Note that any model aircraft flying within 1km of the boundary of a licensed airfield at any height will have to be with the permission of the airfield air traffic control or airfield operator.

The Permission & Exemption will come into effect on the 30th July, but please note that they apply only to ‘conventional’ model aircraft (including helicopters) and do not exempt multirotor drones or unmanned aircraft with autonomous flight capability from the 400ft height limit.

It was only possible to achieve this result due to the recognition given by the DfT and CAA to the excellent safety record established by the model flying associations and our members over many years and we are grateful for their help and support in achieving such a positive outcome.

Today’s announcement is a great result for the UK model flying community and is the culmination of very significant collaborative efforts by the UK Model Flying Associations working together on behalf of our members.

So there you have it. For models under 7Kg, as LMA members you can carry on flying over 400ft . You’ll notice that the permission specifically for members of the named associations and excludes multirotors and unmanned aircraft with autonomous flight capability.

Here’s why.

As the ANO updates were introduced specifically to deal with the ‘drone menace’, there weren’t going to be any permissions forthcoming to allow the irresponsible drone flyers to carry on doing what they are doing ‘legally’ under a model flying umbrella. Therefore, we needed to get permissions that allowed legitimate model aircraft flying to continue as before but not apply to the type of flying that was perceived to be causing a problem.

We had to justify to the CAA why we needed permission to fly unmanned aircraft over 400ft, why it was safe, and how we could ensure it would remain safe. The ‘why we need’ was easily justified by gliders, slope soaring, big sweeping aerobatic schedules / practice etc. The ‘why it’s safe’ was justified by the long and trouble-free history of model flying in the UK with no height limit for models under 7Kg by the members of the model flying associations. The ‘why it will remain safe’ is because we have a responsible membership who follow applicable rules, the capability to communicate with all our members in either email like this or the Journal, and we can ultimately remove membership from anybody who doesn’t follow the applicable rules (and thus the ability to use our permissions).

As all unmanned aircraft have to be flown ‘visual line of sight’, in that you have to be able to see the model to control it and keep it clear of other things (including FPV, the mandatory spotter still has to be able to see the aircraft at all points of the flight to tell the pilot if they are about to hit something). Multirotors are generally getting difficult to see at 400ft, so we had no real argument that we could justify to the CAA on how they could be seen and controlled over 400ft. Model aircraft are also flown by the pilot, so the specific exclusion of automatic flight capability other than stabilisation gyros also prevents ‘drones’ from being flown under the model flying banner, while not impeding any traditional model flying.

The permissions apply only to members of model flying associations, as if they applied to non-members, it would make the recent ANO update pointless with blanket permissions for anyone to fly in excess of the limits introduced. That wasn’t acceptable to the CAA or DfT, and not something we could justify, or really support. After all, if a modeller can’t support at least one of the national associations by joining, can they really expect the associations to work on their behalf? We still cater for ‘lone flyers’, as there are no geographical limitations on where our members fly, or requirement to be in a club, just a requirement to fly within the association’s rules and have the airfield operator’s permission if within 1Km of a licensed airfield.

Drone racing is carried out at generally very low level, and the exemption/permission to allow that to carry on will be upissued shortly.

Any questions, as ever, please let me know.

DfT Drone Consultation

The DfT have recently published their consultation ‘Taking Flight: The Future of Drones in the UK’. The measures in the consultation are part their wider drones programme and strategy, and will help shape the content of a draft Drones Bill which will be published later this year, as well as other future measures.

The measures under consultation include:

- Proposals for regulating and mandating the use of ‘apps’ on which pilots would file flight plans ahead of take-off

- Additional powers for the police to enforce the law

- Using new counter-drone technology to protect public events and critical national infrastructure, and stop contraband reaching prisons

- Introducing minimum age restrictions for drone owners in addition to the new tests they will need to take

- Whether the 1km restriction around aerodromes, introduced as an amendment to the Air Navigation Order in May this year, is sufficient.

You can find a link to the consultation here

and it will run until 17 September 2018.

We are trying to get a coordinated response to the consultation from all the country’s 40,000 plus modellers, and I will be emailing you all again shortly to give some guidance on what you may like to consider as a response after some good hard reading of the proposals.

LMA Name

As you will recall from the last Journal, we are proposing a review of the branding & naming of the Association to make sure it is still appropriate for what we do, what the association is for. There has been some discussion on the LMA forum, but we’d like to get all your views on what the name of the Association should be.

Please take a minute to complete the survey here-


Rob Buckley
Secretary - Large Model Association
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Sunday, 22 July 2018

Saturday, 14 July 2018

On the sat. Of what would have been our spectacular

Was very quite at the field today but was blessed with a free airshow thx Steve :)

Friday, 13 July 2018

Sunday, 8 July 2018

Friday, 29 June 2018

Chris's new toy :)

Flies great ..... no stopping u after achieving  your fixedwing A :)

Thursday, 21 June 2018

Sunday, 10 June 2018

Most of you know Tom - But did you know this!


Friday, 8 June 2018

Friday afternoon :)

Had a super afternoon was only 4 of us was good meeting Tony as we not spoke b4 and gr8 watching Tom and Richard dueling the skies to see who could stay up the longest without power.... super fun thx guys :) have fun Paul :)

Thursday, 7 June 2018

My lovely Tiger Moth

Thank Paul for filming the Tiger Moth and getting the exhaust welded for me

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Rapid RC Shop closed on these dates.

Hi all the shop will be closed on the following dates as we are at these shows.

Weston Park June 15th 16th and 17th

Wings and Wheels June 23rd 24th

LMA Cosford July 7th 8th

BMFA Nationals August 25th 26th 27th

Southern Model September 8th 9th

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Dave's Retro Nitro

Well that was a challenge but all setup and test hovered in the garden.

Be nice to see Dave fly a proper model for a change LOL  

Alex and the - WoW - Factor

Great when you see and hear how much someone enjoys our hobby.

Sunday, 3 June 2018

hepf fuzzy 4 maiden

See "Pilot Antics"


At last! finally got a westerly breeze and some thermals. Managed two long flights with the Snipes (as well as the usual short ones), one of which I got my best launch height so far of 122 feet and then thermals up to 324 feet :-)


Mike's greaser of a landing.

Maxford USA 1/5 scale Albatros D.Va fitted IC ASP120 glo engine

Friday, 1 June 2018

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Extreme wot 4 Fuel leak

After a great day on sunday noticed some solarfilm dis-colouration on the fus. Inspected inside the fus and there was fuel inside the fus going back all the way to the wing bolt area. Luckily I fuel proofed all the way back to this point, but the petrol had gone in between the solarfilm and fus so had to be removed. I did think about fitting a trusty Du-bro but used the one that was supplied (bad move). Fuel tank stripped for parts and the rest in the bin not even checked it. Anyway its drying out in the sun during the day hopefully start re-covering tonight.

Sunday, 13 May 2018

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Learning To Fly

Luke came and visited our flying site with his mum and brought along his plane that had a few problems... Dave kindly sorted his plane problem and then let him fly under his instruction and mums  permission.
Thanks Dave for doing the instruction and well done Luke

Saturday, 5 May 2018

May Bank Holiday Flying

Came down to the field with a number of models but could not gain access. What a mess...

Saturday, 28 April 2018

Handy for those who don't use undercarriages, they've missed at a bit :-) The gate padlock needs some oil, I didn't have any with me.

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Club gate access.

Hi all. After inspection Thursday evening Both gates are now open however please be aware in some areas the ground is still soft so take your time and drive slow. Rain is forecast in the near future let’s hope it’s not too much.
Grass cutting should take place shortly.
Regards Peter

Futaba 10c

Futaba  10c for sale to club members before selling else where
Good condition  with original box £145

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Tip of the day

Hi folks
I was having problems transporting my wings in the car without them getting damaged (dings etc). So I visited by local DIY and spotted this material,  radiator reflective shield on offer for 3.50. for 500mm x 5mts. shiny reflective on one side and polystyrene covered 1.5 to 2mm on the inside. Thought I give it a go, I used double sided tape to put it together it worked, dont know how long the double sided will last but applying it you only get one chance to stick it together.

Monday, 16 April 2018

Repair of old Fun Fly Victor Meldrew now complete.

Ran the Enya SS 30 on the plane today in anticipation of the flying field drying out soon. However having watched Paul's last video it is evident there s more surface water than usual so I had better start another build project.

Saturday, 14 April 2018

Sat afternoon

Good company good larf today thank you :)

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Saturday, 7 April 2018

Friday, 6 April 2018

Whatsapp groupchat BPMFC

Thank you for positive comments to my suggestion of a whatsapp groupchat :)been put to good use from day one and hopefully as weather improves and more members are added be even more useful in bringing members together at our flying sites be it on the field or sloping :) lil reminder if you interested and not got my number please look on my profile and email me your number or chat to me Monday night at the meeting :) P.S. Looks like a few at the field sat & Sunday morning weather permitting may see you there ;) have fun Paul :)

Tuesday, 3 April 2018



Thursday, 29 March 2018

Happy Easter :)

Billy been thinking long n hard over the winter about a way to bring together members who want to fly especially in the quieter months and quieter times in the week for retired / shiftworkers etc. Nothing worse than coming down hoping to have some company to end up Billynom8s ;) i should know !! Lol anyway what i was gonna suggest is starting a Whatsup group.... now if you ask whats that u need not apply ;) only kidding prob a silly idea but i'll start it off if you like the idea message me if you not got my number look on my profile and email me with your number and i'll add u :) just a trial see how it goes :) have a super easter have fun Paul :)

Monday, 26 March 2018


First stretch of the bungee for 2018, hopefully many more pings! Great weather this afternoon.

Friday, 16 March 2018

B4 the weather changes few hours fun :)

Field Inspection...

Might as well see the lads as well before this new lot of snow comes in tomorrow...

Thursday, 8 March 2018

Spring coming

Hi guys are your getting Reddy for the new flying season to come 

Sunday, 25 February 2018

We survived :)

Found on the cliffs...

Found on the Minster Cliffs - Perhaps a club member who braved the elements... Can’t be Paul as he was making his plane... Beware of the wind chill - it’s a killer for your little pinky!

Saturday, 17 February 2018

Help, chaps. I have acquired an almost brand new OS 46FX-H. Having dismantled it to replace bearings and seals, etc. I removed the carb only to find that the threads had been stripped. Question 1, where can I get a replacement 40C carb body? I've had a look on the internet and they are as rare as hen's teeth. Question 2. Do any of you good people have one which I can purchase? Help!

Friday, 16 February 2018

Just arrived this afternoon as Paul was leaving but he kindly came back and video'd a couple of my new toys. The first one is a Schloiderding DLG,  a 1.2m all wood kit I built (rudder & elevator) and the second one is a Hawk, a 1.0m all carbon DLG (ailerons, flaps, rudder & elevator). Still to perfect launching!

Finally EFXTRA flies :)

Thursday, 15 February 2018


Ken & his wife at Ashford models is retiring and the shop will close at the end of March. Sale is now on.
Shame but another great guy retiring.

Saturday, 10 February 2018

Thursday, 25 January 2018

L👀kin good 4 tomoz will be there normal time after work yippee nearly the wend... stand upwind coz i'm feeling DOGRUUUFFF ;)

Finding the cg for Extreme wot 4

Hi folks
Needed to find approx cg position for ni-cads in the model, set it up on the dining room table (I have a special license for cg setup on the table). Looks like it is ok to place the two main nicads  in the front compartment behind the engine and the other 4.8v ignition nicad to be re-positioned some were else to optimize the cg. Also got a reading on how much it weighs. The cg measurement is measured from the front of the sensor to the inbuilt laser pointer at 175mm which equates to approx 115mm from the L.E.