Rapid RC

Friday, 14 September 2012

Cessna 182 R.I.P

Sadly my Cessna crashed yesterday. Stalled going downwind and went into a bad unrecoverable spin from lowish height. Hit the ground vertically. Crunched in all the front end. Wings and rear fuz not too bad but not sure I can repair it as it is fibreglass. We will see. On a more positive note, my Superhero has some new clothes! He's now Ironman. Still flies great and looks cool in the air.


  1. Looks a lot better now - not a ghost anymore and he looked so much better in the sky. Shame I forgot my camera (& Tx)getting old.

  2. Great use of your imagination there Trev...

  3. sorry about cessna trev but on a positive note Iron man looks like the dogs danglys

  4. I nearly gave him danglys! Lol

  5. I nearly gave him danglys! Lol

  6. I nearly gave him danglys! Lol

  7. Grrr. How do I delete my own comments?


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