Rapid RC

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Life after the Paraglider...

Once the weather gets better and the conditions are right I will fly the paraglider but I now know my next project because I have obtained fantastic inspiration from this video which shows a Hang glider pilot under construction It's Very Cool...


  1. Sorry Mike thats over my head - I was thinking more along the lines of "Humpin Monkey"...
    I did expect more comments than this but recon they are all asleep out there.

  2. Broken Wing,

    As an astronomer I thought you would be bound to know about Able and Baker! This will hurt Slip again but they were the first monkeys launched into space in 1959 by the Americans---check the internet---I am not sure of the costs involved?
    Somehow I remembered this!

  3. 6 Shillings tuppence halfpenny 2 bob and half a crown oh yes and a thrupeny? bit

  4. OH DEAR!

    just a minor slip-up Slip----Add one Tanner three farthings;add up the lot and convert to pounds and decimals thereof;apply the exchange rate between the dollar and the pound applicable to 1959;add half a billion dollars and complete the following:
    W--- A L--- -F B------S!---check it out!

  5. Yes what a load of... but 'DILLIGAF' anyway.

  6. After all the comments all I can say is HHuummpp


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